Tashi R Ghale, an internationally acclaimed, award-winning photographer, and conservationist, has devoted over two decades to wildlife and landscape photography, monitoring, and conservation. Renowned for his exceptional work, Tashi holds the record of being the sole individual in Nepal to have photographed elusive snow leopards in their natural habitat on more than 40 occasions. His extensive journeys through the Nepalese highlands have provided invaluable insights into the lives of snow leopards and other mountain wildlife.
Tashi's unwavering passion and dedication have been instrumental in species discovery and conservation efforts. In 2013, Tashi confirmed the presence of Pallas's cat in Nepal, which was declared a new cat species for Nepal in 2014. Tashi and his team achieved a remarkable milestone by confirming the return of the wolf to his native region of Manang after more than four decades of local extinction.
Tashi's contributions extend beyond the field, as he has collaborated on numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles. He is one of the contributors to the book "Searching for the Snow Leopard." His tireless effort continues to shape our understanding of wildlife and pave the way for conservation initiatives globally.